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2009-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Is Aodh the hawt elf that was you X-mas gift?
2009-01-29 [moira hawthorne]: yup see his wiki Aodh of SabbathNight
2009-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: O.O I really love him. *pulls out list of loves and pencils him in below Brett*
2009-01-29 [Yami]: I think I will draw him with Yami fan girling him <3
2009-01-29 [moira hawthorne]: wooot yah more fans! yah!
2009-02-09 [moira hawthorne]: hey hey welcome Gato
2009-02-09 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: :p hey there
2009-02-09 [moira hawthorne]: would members here like to be included in an art image of aodh and his fans?
2009-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: *gasps* YISH! We should make Brett inta an elf and as a guest star for the band since a pic of him gave ya inspiration for another uber drawin of Aodh *smirks deviously*
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: I could make a drawing of Brett and Aodh ... or we could do a collab together...
2009-02-11 [Yami]: I think I will draw Aodh soon
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: woooooot awesome!
2009-02-11 [Yami]: ^_^ I'm not sure in what pose though, lol
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: 2009-01-29 [Yami]: I think I will draw him with Yami fan girling him <3
huhhuh... maybe
2009-02-11 [Yami]: I was thinking of doing that, or maybe of him licking a sucker, lol
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: I did draw that.... very naughty Aodh... he has a very long tongue1
2009-02-11 [Yami]: I know
2009-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: XD I'll gladly collaborate since I've been playin with Brett as an elf and Brett is also...hwo to say...naughty.
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: well i have a friend [Madhalf Heatlump] who is gonna give me a pose to reference for aodh 'rockin it' out on stage.... so you get Brett in a similar pose and we will stick them together
2009-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: *smirks* No problem =] Though it'll be my elfed version of Brett since I'm drawin him with the long, pretty, curly hair ^.^ *pets Brett*
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: understood! elf him out all you want!
2009-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: Lol, I take it I'm not the only one who thinks Brett's a damn good elf?
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: so question: what type of elf ears do you see brett elf as having?
2009-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: I can see naythin from the subtle Lord of the Rings slight point to blood elf long, to a mixture of WoW troll ears. I've been playin around with all three and can't decide what to draw him with =3
2009-02-11 [moira hawthorne]: well I vote for bloodelf ears... just so he stands out abit different from Aodh's faery ears.... and yet isnt over shadowed by them...
oooh and for fun check out
Elf Ear Poll<poll:76849>
Vote for your Favourite type of ears on an elf,
in other words which length of ears make an an elf?
2009-10-07 [Rye]: Free sex is an even better incentive than free cookies :)
2009-10-07 [moira hawthorne]: lol I agree!
2009-10-07 [Rye]: Though both go together nicely..you just have to watch out for the crumbs. That can become uncomfortable. :P
2009-10-07 [moira hawthorne]: HEHEHE have to make sure to lick them all up
2009-10-07 [moira hawthorne]: the cookiee crumbs!
2009-10-07 [Rye]: LMAO!!! Sure, I'm sure that's what you meant!
2009-10-07 [moira hawthorne]: oh my god... I have a very excited faery jumping about gleefully in my head!
2009-10-07 [Rye]: From the innuendo, no doubt. I would call him a dirty bitch, but he'd more than likely like it. XP
2009-10-07 [Rye]: I'm very glad for the edit button here. I don't know if I'm flustered by the faery, or just sleep deprived, but I'm having a hell of a time putting together a sentence.
2009-10-07 [moira hawthorne]: Aodh claims its his uber sexyness that has reduced you to babbling!
2009-10-08 [Rye]: Hmm..could be....damn him! Damn him and his.......*dro
2009-10-08 [moira hawthorne]: oooh dont damn him... I need him... and christian swearin makes his skin crawl... the poor faery had a rough time during the Inquisition
2009-10-08 [Rye]: It was merely frustration over the near immediate loss of typing skills. I would never truly want him to be damned. The world needs more horny faes.
2009-10-08 [moira hawthorne]: that is indeed very true...
Im writing a very AU fanfic of him and nuada... lots of fun
2009-10-08 [Rye]: It's sounding good :) And I thought you'd like to know, it says that you've had exactly 69 hits on that page. I'm sure Aodh would take pleasure in that knowledge. ;)
2009-10-08 [moira hawthorne]: 71 now... but 69 is such a fun # indeed! Aodh approves!
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